Rescue horse helps local dogs to overcome their fear of horses

2024-06-12 2,843

A groom is using her horse's calm temperament and confidence to help local dogs overcome their fear of them.

Darcey the horse, 22, lives under the care of her owner Victoria Privett, 32, on the border of Surrey and Hampshire.

Victoria rescued Darcey from being put down nine years ago and has since worked hard to help her recover from past trauma.

The pair created a bond of trust over the years and Darcey no longer gets frightened at the sight of a barking dog.

Now, when out on rides, Victoria uses Darcey to help local dogs overcome their fear of horses and educate dog owners.

Victoria, a horse groom from Alton, East Hampshire, said: "She is just steadfast in any situation.

"When a dog lunges at her or barks she doesn't react and is able to put them at ease as well.

"Most dog owners are very grateful when I offer them the chance to spend time with their dogs around Darcey.

"I just want to try to prevent another rider, horse or dog getting hurt when a less confident horse comes into contact with a dog like that.

"It can be really dangerous, especially if the horse panics."

Victoria rescued Darcey after receiving a call from her previous owner who wanted to put her down because she was deemed a "dangerous horse."

She said: "I knew I wanted to rescue her so I went to the shelter, paid the pound minimum tender and brought her home.

"We knew she had issues, but not to the extent that we then realised once we had her.

"I don't know exactly what she went through at her previous owners, but she was just terrified of people.

"She was very head shy and extremely reactive to the bridle and bit.

"She would panic whenever there was rein contact and more pull on the reins meant more panic so we were stuck in a bit of a cycle.

With time and a lot of reassurance, Darcey began to trust Victoria and in the last four years the pair have built a full bond and trust each other implicitly.

Now Victoria is certain that Darcey will keep her composure during encounters with dogs.

Victoria said: "When we formed that bond, I trusted Darcey to behave calmly around even really agitated dogs.

"That's when I thought to start offering interactions between her and barking dogs we come across on our rides to help the dogs understand there's nothing to be afraid of.

"I've grown up around horses and have been riding in the area for practically my entire life.

"I know there have been incidents where a horse will panic when a dog barks at them, making the horse rear and causing the rider to fall off or the dog to get hurt.

"Anything I can do to help prevent a moment like this I will.

"Maybe after meeting Darcey, the next time a dog sees a horse they won't bark."

Victoria shows her work with Darcey and other horses across her socials: @EndurancewithDarcey.

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