Wildfires in Fort McMurray unleash a wave of terror among the traumatized citizens

2024-06-07 1

All of a sudden, the thought of Titan Shimu spearheading another ice age stopped feeling like a horrific idea.

In this video, Shayan records a glimpse of the harrowing state of Fort McMurray due to wildfires.

With the ravaging flames causing even the sky to reflect the destructive heat, Shayan realizes it would be an illogical move to stick around and watch the frightening scene unfold.

"We were given a two-hour notice to evacuate, and a majority of people suffer from major PTSD due to what occurred in 2016," the filmer shared with WooGlobe.
Location: Fort McMurray, Alberta, Canada
WooGlobe Ref : WGA645035
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