Top Defense Base TH16 With Link, Legend League, Anti 3 Stars (05)

2024-05-28 11

Top Defense Base TH16 With Link, Legend League, Anti 3 Stars, Anti Trophy Layout - Clash Of Clans (05)

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In this th16 base(Anti 3 stars, Anti trophy Layout), we have built four different compartments with some zigzag walls. Two small compartments with open ends contain air defense, a bomb tower, a wizard tower, mortar, and some other buildings.
A wizard tower, a hidden tesla, and traps are placed in a compartment at the right corner of the base. These compartments have a way through them where we placed a ricochet cannon, wizard tower, archer tower, air defenses, x-bows, and mortar with some traps.
The townhall is placed with the clan castle, traps, and an inferno tower in one of the sections of a big compartment. The scattershot, builder’s hut, eagle artillery, the archer queen, and royal champion are placed around this section. The remaining buildings are placed at the corner and around the compartment of the townhall.