The Shark Tank Winners Building A Billion-Dollar Bathroom Brand

2024-05-25 319

Dude Wipes’ potty-mouthed founders have already grabbed 1% of the $11 billion U.S. toilet paper market. Now the Mark Cuban-backed startup is aiming to swipe up to 10%.

Since starting Dude Products in 2011, Sean Riley, Ryan Meegan and a third cofounder, Jeff Klimkowski, childhood friends from the Chicago suburbs, have closely studied the trail left behind by “Big Toilet Paper” leaders like Kimberly Clark and Procter & Gamble – everything from the design of their newest rolls to their latest ad campaigns – and have done the exact opposite.

One of the most successful businesses in Shark Tank history, Dude Products rolled up $110 million in revenue last year, from $70 million in 2022. The company, which has been profitable since 2016, now makes up 1% of the $11 billion toilet paper industry. The founders predict Dude will do $500 million in annual sales within five years and ultimately grow into a $1 billion (sales) brand.

0:00 Who Are The Dudes?
00:19 Meeting the Need for Something Different
02:50 Characteristics of a Winning Team
03:37 Scared Money Don’t Make Money
04:29 Guerilla Marketing At Its Finest
06:46 The Dudes’ First Major Deal
07:22 The Shark Tank Effect
09:28 The Great Toilet Shortage of 2020
11:00 Flushing Out the Competition

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