Tips For Integrating AI Tools Into Your Business

2024-05-20 3,122

Tips For Integrating , AI Tools , Into Your Business.
'Newsweek' reports that the key to integrating
AI-powered tools into your business is to ensure a
solid IT infrastructure has been established to support it. .
Without that foundation, AI tools could be greatly limited or undermined all together in their ability to provide a return on investment. .
According to data provided by Forrester, 62% of
global business and tech professionals expect AI investments to significantly increase over the next year.
This means that business leaders must
gain a realistic understanding of how specific
AI applications could help their company.
By deploying applications that help
enhance productivity and personalize
processes, organizations can use
Generative AI to accelerate the pace
of their business, evolving an
experimental investment into
an established value driver, Deloitte AI Institute, via 'Newsweek'.
A clear plan should include a way to measure the impact
of AI within specific areas of your business before
scaling its use widely across the company.
IT infrastructure should include a well
thought out strategy for cloud computing
and access to a reliable high-speed network. .
Ensure accurate, up-to-date and complete data for more
reliable AI outputs, which means regularly cleaning,
normalizing and structuring data to improve AI training.
The addition of AI tools also means investing in a
sophisticated cybersecurity strategy like Secure Access
Service Edge (SASE) and Security Service Edge (SSE).
Developing the necessary in-house know-how to fully
utilize AI tools means investing in training or in a third-
party IT-managed service provider (MSP) for AI support