Install Paper Mario The Thousand-Year Door on PC Tutorial (NSP)

2024-05-20 71

Hi everyone! I'll be teaching you guys how to properly install, setup and optimize Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door Remake for the Switch. All you need is a decent specs of a PC or laptop in order to be able to run this game. Just be sure that you have an OpenGL 4.6 capable GPU and a CPU that has high single-core performance with 8 GB of RAM.

Official Site

Tested and played this game with an i7-9700 CPU with an RTX 2070 Super graphics card and 16GB of RAM. Performance is quite good and will be able to run this game in 1440p or 4K resolution with no issues.

#PaperMario #TheThousandYearDoor #PaperMarioTheThousandYearDoorSwitch