High-Stakes Drama Unfolds on CBS' S.W.A.T. Season Finale

2024-05-16 972

Prepare for an adrenaline rush as CBS' action-packed cop drama, S.W.A.T., culminates in Season 7 Episode 13! Created by the dynamic duo Shawn Ryan and Aaron Rahsann Thomas, this episode is set to keep you on the edge of your seat. With a stellar cast led by Shemar Moore, David Lim, Anna Enger Ritch and more, expect a riveting and intense storyline. Don't miss the heart-pounding excitement—stream S.W.A.T. now on Paramount+!

S.W.A.T. Cast:

Shemar Moore, Jay Harrington, David Lim, Patrick St. Esprit, Alex Russell, Peter Onorat, Rochelle Aytes, Anna Enger Ritch, Amy Farrington and Kenny Johnson

Stream S.W.A.T. now on Paramount+!