The Smamot tribe that possess the African Ghost, aka owl wit

2009-04-12 774

Up until now, other than deep-sea organisms and the exceptions of a few insect species, there are no bird species that have a natural ability to self-illuminate. But a group of researchers in Africa managed to track down a nomadic african Smamot tribe that has a biolumiscene owl in their possesion. And as if that is not enough, it seems that the light that the owl eminates does not only have a practical purpose but apparantly does more than just lighting up the dark. So does this owl really exist?
And what does it mean for a bird species to be able to emite light? Are there more of them, and are they an endangered species, or are we dealing with one of a kind?
This is the trailer part, for videos of the owl "in action" and the trailer itself, click on my other videos!
For the full video and more information, please visit