London zookeeper helps hatch 'extinct in the wild' kingfisher chick

2024-05-13 241

An extinct-in-the-wild sihek (also known as Guam kingfisher) has successfully hatched, marking a key milestone of an ambitious project to return the species into the wild.

The Sihek Recovery Program is an international collaboration between wildlife experts across the world – including
global conservation charity ZSL – who are working together to restore a wild population of this species, which is currently only found in human care.

The female chick hatched on 28 April at Sedgwick County Zoo in Kansas, US, and is being cared for around the clock by a team of specialists to ensure the precious youngster’s survival – including two keepers from ZSL’s conservation zoos, London
and Whipsnade, who travelled to the US as part of the organisations wider initiative to recover extinct-in-the-wild species.

Video: ZSL/Supplied