Faith and external locus of control Ending An Affair Is Nev

2009-04-12 55
When a person is addicted to drugs, the drug gives, or gave, the person wonderful feelings. (That's why someone gets addicted in the first place.) Similarly, the affair gave you wonderful feelings at some point; that's why you got involved with it in the first place.

Likewise, the prospects of giving up the affair are similar to those of giving up a drug. You're going to feel all the feelings you were trying to avoid by engaging in the affair. When you are feeling down and out or when you are in emotional pain, the way of escape you became accustomed to won't be there.

Yes, ending an affair is never easy. It's no wonder that people are searching for advice on this problem everyday. Well, if you're reading this, you're probably one of those people who can't seem to find the right way to end an affair, for whatever reason.

1). You must have faith
that when you end the affair (just like when you stop using a drug) and you start working on yourself and your issues, at some future time you will be in better shape and feel better than you ever have.