Today's happy shoppers are Joanna & John from Hertfordshire, Deb & Ann from Leicestershire, and Iain & Mary-Anne from Cheshire. Dale Winton hosts as usual and is impressed by one team's braces and ambition, unlikely as it is. Unusual ambitions continue with the next team, while the third is snappy both in hobbies and on the floor - which is handy for this show! All post good scores in the points rounds, but two teams are well ahead going into the Super Sweep. So will it be youth or experience that tells in the Sweep, or will it be the outside bet that sneaks in to steal a win? As with the last few episodes, what falls off the shelves could prove crucial in the points summing up in what turns out to be a "smashing" episode. But will the winners triumph in the grand final? It's one of the closest finals ever, that's all I'll say...