FRESH KILLS Movie Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: In her debut as a writer-director, actress Jennifer Esposito (Blue Bloods, Summer Of Sam, Crash) brings late 1980s Staten Island to vivid life through the lens of Rose Larusso (Emily Bader), an inquisitive young girl who discovers her father (Domenick Lombardozzi) is an emerging mafia kingpin. Rose’s growing desire to break free from the path set before her soon threatens her existence and alienates her from her closest allies: her mother Francine (Esposito), her sister Connie (Odessa A’zion), and her aunt Christine (Annabella Sciorra).
CAST: Emily Bader, Odessa A’zion, Jennifer Esposito, Domenick Lombardozzi, Nicholas Cirillo, Annabella Sciorra
IN THEATERS, JUNE 14th, 2024