2024-05-07 631

AMONG THE WILLOWS Movie Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: In a quest to uncover the culprits behind his family's murder, John Williams must set aside his pride and join forces with a former friend.
John Williams must swallow his pride to partner up with an ex-friend in hopes of tracking down those responsible for murdering his family.

Release: May 14,2024 (Digital)
Directed By: Tyler Smith
Written By: Jeffrey Smith and David Novak
Produced By: Don Dufer, Lon Hannah, Darrell Mapson, David Novak, Shannon Sinclear
Starring: Caryn Richman | David Novak | Darrell Mapson
Distributor: Miracle Media and Trinity Creative Partnership
Production Company: Jefybal Productions
Rated: N/A
RunTime: 88 Minutes
Genre : Western
Language: English

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