Treasure Movie (2024) - Lena Dunham, Stephen Fry

2024-05-07 417

Treasure Movie Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: The film follows a father-daughter road trip set in 1990s Poland where Ruth (Lena Dunham), a journalist and Edek (Stephen Fry), a charmingly stubborn Holocaust survivor embark on a journey to uncover their family’s past. This emotional, funny culture clash of two New Yorkers exploring post-socialist Poland is a powerful example of how reconnecting with family and the past can be an unexpected treasure.

TREASURE made its world premiere at the Berlin International Film Festival and will next premiere at the 2024 Tribeca Festival on June 8th at 8:30PM at the Village East Cinema. Bleecker Street and FilmNation Entertainment will release the film in theaters ahead of Father’s Day on June 14th.