Dive into this riveting sneak peek from Season 4 Episode 8 of the acclaimed CBS crime drama, The Equalizer, crafted by the dynamic duo Andrew W. Marlowe and Terri Edda Miller, this scene highlights the extraordinary performances of the series' stellar ensemble cast, led by Queen Latifah, alongside Laya DeLeon Hayes, Liza Lapira, and Adam Goldberg. Brace yourself for the pulse-pounding action, emotional depth, and nail-biting suspense that unfurl on screen. Don't miss a moment of the electrifying new season of The Equalizer, available for streaming now on Paramount+!
The Equalizer Cast:
Queen Latifah, Liza Lapira, Laya DeLeon Hayes, Adam Goldberg, Lorraine Toussaint and Tory Kittles
Stream The Equalizer Season 4 now on Paramount+!