Brutal Car accidents in russia and the USA.
00:00 A couple in their 50s were going to a outing but they were crushed to death by the bus. The bus driver said he fell asleep.
00:15 No deaths.
00:29 Car in front of author died instantly. The other survived.
00:42 3 people died in oncoming car. A pregnant woman that was also in the car survived.
00:57 Both drivers died instantly.
01:07 Author survived. Oncoming car driver is seriously injured and had to go to the hospital.
01:22 Lada driver is dead. Truck driver is fine.
01:29 5 people on author's car are injured.
01:45 Car driver received multiple injuries and died before ambulance came.
01:59 The truck driver suffered from a tire blowout and went to the clouds. He also hit a lada driver that died too.
2:11 Black car driver died on impact.
Truck driver injured.
2:21 Lada driver died. The truck then hit a car with 3 persons inside which they all died.
2:33 Oncoming car driver was killed instanly.
2:45 Gazelle Driver(hit the author)
died in the hospital.
3:00 Nobody is seriously injured
3:10 Woman is heavily injured but survived.
3:26 Lada driver and passenger miraculously survived.
3:35 The girl and his mother are both injured. The girl woke up 5 minutes later after the crash.
3:52 Author attemped to avoid collision with a car that was in front of the author(correct me if im wrong). He survived the crash.
4:06 Author only received a broken leg. the culprit received varying injuries
4:20 The author died. His passenger survived with injuries.
4:31 Old video. Car driver died.
4:41 Only the truck driver is injured
4:56 No info. Author is responsible for the crash.
5:06 3 people died among the first 2 cars. Truck driver apparently fell asleep.
5:26 Drunk Lada driver dies on impact.
5:37 Everyone survived. The truck driver got out of the truck.
6:00 Van driver managed to get out of the van.
6:14 Everyone survived.
6:27 Truck driver is injured.
6:39 South Africa. The driver was struggling to control the truck. His passenger got out before the crash.
6:52 No one was killed apparently.
7:04 Something was on the road, causing the author to crash into the bushes.
7:18 Taiwan.(?) Black car driver died.
7:30 Author lost control. Toyota driver and passenger died. 5 people from kia and volvo are in the hospital.
7:42 Driver died.
7:56 Different angle from a previous compilation. 4 people in the hyundai soraris are dead. A sister and the truck driver survived.
8:00 Taiwan. Truck driver lost brakes. He and 3 other people died. 9 others are injured.
8:16 3 in oncoming car died.
8:31 Gazelle Driver died.
8:43 The Driver of the lada burned to death.
8:59 Dodge Ram driver died. Author survived.
9:11 The man was drunk.
Author got rear-ended.
9:20 Hyundai Soraris driver and passenger died.
9:32 Taiwan. One was crushed. 4 are injured.
9:43 South Korea. 4 people died among the first 2 cars. The bus driver fell asleep.
9:57 The bikers were brothers. They both died. A driver that a biker hit also died.
10:12 2nd angle from