West Bengal's Darjeeling, a politically charged constituency, cast its votes on April 26, 2024. The Lok Sabha Elections 2024 saw the Gorkhaland issue taking center stage. This video report by Snighdhendu Bhattacharya provides an in-depth analysis of the key talking points. The narrative unfolds the political dynamics of West Bengal, with a special focus on Darjeeling. The aspiration for Gorkhaland, a long-standing demand in the region, is a significant factor in these elections. The video sheds light on how this demand influences the voting pattern and political alliances. It also explores the role of various political parties in addressing this issue. The Lok Sabha Elections 2024 are a crucial juncture for West Bengal, and particularly for Darjeeling, as it could shape the future discourse on Gorkhaland. Watch the video for a comprehensive understanding of the political landscape of Darjeeling in the backdrop of the Lok Sabha Elections 2024.
#ReportersGuarantee #LokSabhaElections2024 #WestBengal #Darjeeling
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