Pat Buchanan: Israel has 300 Nuclear Bombs and Somehow Iran is a Threat

2024-04-15 163

Mirrored for archival and informational purposes. Original published February 21, 2012. Link to original and description:
Patrick Joseph "Pat" Buchanan is an American conservative political commentator, author, syndicated columnist, politician and broadcaster. Buchanan was a senior advisor to American Presidents Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, and Ronald Reagan, and was an original host on CNN's Crossfire. He sought the Republican presidential nomination in 1992 and 1996. He ran on the Reform Party ticket in the 2000 presidential election.
He co-founded The American Conservative magazine and launched a foundation named The American Cause.[1] He has been published in Human Events, National Review, The Nation and Rolling Stone. He was a political commentator on the MSNBC cable network, including the show Morning Joe.
- 2010: "If [Elena] Kagan [President Obama's nominee to the Supreme Court] is confirmed, Jews, who represent less than 2 percent of the U.S. population, will have 33 percent of the Supreme Court seats. Is this Democrats' idea of diversity?"
-- Column, "Are Liberals Anti-WASP?" May 14, 2010
- 2007: "If you want to know ethnicity and power in the United States Senate, 13 members of the Senate are Jewish folks who are from 2 percent of the population. That is where real power is at...."
-- On The McLaughlin Group, February 2, 2007
- 2005: "They charge us with anti-Semitism...The truth is, those hurling these charges harbor a 'passionate attachment' to a nation not our own that causes them to subordinate the interests of their own country and to act on an assumption that, somehow, what's good for Israel is good for America."
-- Neo-Conned! Just War Principles: A Condemnation of War in Iraq, P.137
- 2005: "Who would benefit from a war of civilizations between the West and Islam? Answer: one nation, one leader, one party. Israel, Sharon, Likud."
-- Neo-Conned! Just War Principles: A Condemnation of War in Iraq, P.142
- 2004: "Israel is in an existential crisis. It can wall itself off and annex what it wants on the West Bank, and leave Palestinians in tiny truncated, nonviable bantustans that will become the spawning pools of terror. Or it can give the Palestinians what Oslo, Camp David, Taba and the 'roadmap' promised; a homeland, a nation and a state of their own. Israel is free to choose. But American needs a Middle East policy made in the USA, not in Tel Aviv, or at AIPAC or AEI."
-- Where the Right Went Wrong: How Neoconservatives Subverted the Reagan Revolution and Hijacked the Bush Presidency, P.241
- 2004: "America has given up its role as 'honest broker.' President Bush no longer sits at the head of the negotiating table, but directly behind Sharon."
-- Where the Right Went Wrong: How Neoconservatives Subverted the Reagan Revolution and Hijacked the Bush Presidency, P.242