Surah Al-Muzammil, Ayat 16-19 by Syed Saleem Bukhari

2024-04-14 8

Surah Al-Muzammil, Ayat 16-19 by Syed Saleem Bukhari

Surah Muzzammil is the seventy-third surah of the Holy Quran. It contains 20 verses. It’s split between Mecca and Madina as most of its ayat were revealed in Mecca and the last ayats were revealed in Madina. It has 2 rukhs. Surah Muzammil contains 200 words. The word Muzzammil means “THE ENSHROUDED ONES “.The main theme of surah al Muzzammil is “ADAM AND HIS SUPERIORITY OVER ANGELS”. This surah explains that sovereignty only belongs to Allah. It also explains the importance of zakat.
Note on the Arabic text: - While every effort has been made for the Arabic text to be correct, it has been copied from, however due to software restrictions and Arabic font issues there may be errors in ayahs, for which we seek Allah’s forgiveness.
