Pompeii's stunning secret is uncovered after 2,000 years: Archaeologists are amazed to discover a 'high quality' fresco depicting Helen of Troy during excavations at the ancient Roman city

2024-04-12 9

Nearly 2,000 years since it was buried by volcanic rubble, the lost city of Pompeii is yielding even more astonishing discoveries.

Archeologists have uncovered remarkably preserved 'fresco' paintings on a wall at a former private residence along Via di Nola, one of Pompeii's longest streets.

One of the stunning artworks depicts Helen of Troy, a beautiful woman in Greek mythology, meeting Paris, prince of Troy, for the first time.

According to legend, the resulting elopement between the two sparked the Trojan War of the 12th century BC.

It's one of many buried treasures found at the Italian former city, which was famously destroyed in AD 79 by the lethal eruption of Mount Vesuvius.