Title: "Shadows of the Forgotten"
In the depths of an abandoned asylum lies a darkness that refuses to be forgotten. "Shadows of the Forgotten" takes you on a chilling journey through the twisted corridors of an asylum long forgotten by society. As urban explorers venture into its decaying halls, they soon realize they are not alone.
Strange whispers echo through the darkness, and unseen entities lurk in the shadows, toying with their sanity. Each step they take uncovers more about the asylum's grim history and the unspeakable horrors that once took place within its walls.
But as the night wears on, it becomes clear that some secrets are best left undisturbed. Will they escape the asylum's clutches, or will they become just another chapter in its dark history?
Prepare to be terrified as "Shadows of the Forgotten" delves into the depths of fear and the unknown. Watch if you dare, but beware, for once you enter, there may be no way out.