1st Youtube Video!
Men recognize that you can't please everybody (especially women). The truth hurts, we all had our feelings hurts. But Black men had their feelings hurt, inhumanely a hell of a lot more than any man and women of any other race (including black women) on the planet. I support KaptanSolo's perspective. However, ask yourself this question. When black women were bashing (or aggressively criticizing) us men with their issues, which these women don't want to solve in the first place (overuse of the convenient truth - no personal responsibility & accountability for not closing their legs). Did that supposedly, good woman would tell those self hating racists misandric ANKLE Backwards Broads, "Hey Ladies, we shouldn't be generalizing not all men are like that" (like they tell us about themselves lol.). We don't need to change our strategic approach... Did that fake good woman who got on the BAND WAGON and threw us good men under the bus, change her strategic approach? I'll answer for all the men, HEEEELLLLLLL TOOOOO THHEEEE NOOOOoooo! So bottom line, I will not BURN! Just too put a smile on these ANKLES FACES! I'm not here to get booty, or be friends with the Ignorance. I'm here to empower & support us people to prosperity!
P.S. Remember to check out http://www.blackmenvent.com Peace!
"Do the damn thing, BigBossCalvin. Speak about what needs to be spoken.
BMV... Every Day, All Day. We Cannot Be Stopped." -RealDealBrotha +1
"good hearing from you. Bring it on" -realblackmen2 +1