A new creepy video released by Brigham Young University–Idaho, compares masturbators to wounded soldiers, and encourages students and concerned friends to help identify these sinners by reporting them to their religious officials.
The awkward video "Wounded On The Battlefield," attempts to compare reporting a friend to religious authorities for masturbating to rescuing a wounded soldier on the front lines of a raging war.
The video starts off with a voice-over informing us that there is a 'Great War' at hand, and masturbation is one of the enemies: "The temptations of the great war are many, the battles are real, and the enemy is clever. The enemy is cruel, ruthless, and relentless. We must not underestimate the danger. We must be vigilant and valiant."
BYU-Idaho President Kim B. Clark tells students to reach out to friends in need: "If you need to, talk to your bishop, tell someone who can do something that you have a friend in trouble."