Apr 03 - Homily: Feast of The Seven Sorrows of Mary

2009-04-03 69

The Church commemorates by two Feasts the martyrdom suffered by Our Lady, one of two feasts devoted to this same devotion in union with the Passion of Her Divine Son Jesus and His Holy Cross. The First Feast especially commemorates The Seven Sorrows of Mary her as Co-Redemptrix, the second, kept on September 15, Our Lady of Sorrows.

In 1727 Pope Benedict XIII declared the feast of the Seven Dolors of Mary to be celebrated on the Friday prior to Palm Sunday. Having two feasts further emphasizes Mary's importance and vital role in co-redemption as well as reminding Catholics everywhere of Mary's suffering during the Passion and Death of her Divine Son.

Truly...He died in body through a love greater than anyone had known; she died in spirit through a love unlike any other since His.    -St Bernard of Clairvaux

Ave Maria!