Welcome to In View Series. Our mission is to create quality educational programming, which will inform, educate and enlighten our viewers both nationally and internationally. We cover a variety of topics such as education, medical, environment, agriculture, architecture, business and technology. We are a privately owned and operated television production company with state of the art facilities that are on the leading edge in our industry. We have successfully compiled a long running track record of the very best programming in the educational realm with the Profiles Series, hosted by Lou Gossett Jr. Our primary goal is to better educate our viewers on issues which impact them on a daily basis.
Our world class production team has a breadth of experience in the television industry. All footage is shot in HD 1080 P state-of-the art non-linear off-line and on-line editing.
Our graphics and animation department utilizes 2D and 3D animation, rendering, motion graphics, and flash. Our field producers and writers have written hundreds of stories and have traveled the globe in pursuit of the best stories and profiles.