Nazca Lines in Peru, sign of alien visitors? Bible code in the King James Bible.

2024-03-19 1

Nazca Lines in Peru, could they have been created by aliens in the past? 2 King James version Bible Code matrices on this.
The Nazca Lines are lines in a desert in Peru in South America, that can only be seen from above in an airplane. They were made in ancient times, and are in shapes including a spider and animals. Some have speculated that they could have been made by alien spaceship visitors, long ago, since you can only see them from high above. These 2 matrices include some interesting words and phrases, which may support the idea that alien UFO visitors made the Nazca Lines centuries ago. But note that I accidently misspelled "Nazca" as "Nacza" in these 2 matrices. When I spell it correctly I don't find anything like these 2 amazing matrices. So we may have here a "code within a code", words may be slightly misspelled inside the King James version Bible Code.

See this web page for more on this: Copyright 2011 by T. Chase. From the web site, also see (Revelation 13: Prophecies of the Future, Astrology, Nostradamus, Bible Prophecy, the King James version English Bible Code).