Unscripted: Tracy Morgan Calls Sarah Palin 'Serious Masturbation Material' -knicks heat

2024-03-19 1

Actor/comedian Tracy Morgan stars alongside Tina Fey in NBC's 30 Rock, so when he appeared for a surprise interview before TNT's telecast of the Miami Heat vs. the NY Knicks game, the question presented to him seemed innocent enough. Co-hosts Kenny Smith and Charles Barkley needed someone to settle a disagreement as to who is more attractive: Ms. Fey or former Alaskan Governor Sarah Palin . An odd question to be sure, but certainly no odder than the response they received from the unpredictable actor.

First of all, the producers of TNT's pre-game show must have known that when you invite Morgan on live air for an unscripted interview, you are asking for trouble. And yes, the objectification of both Palin and Fey is not to be encouraged by media personalities. Finally, Ms. Palin is white hot right now (for reasons that are both good and maybe not so good) so it stands to reason that she would gets a ton of attention (not all good mind you.)

Morgan completely demurred when asked of Fey, but had no problem sharing his honest affection of Ms. Palin, which impossibly seemed to even shock the hard to rattle Charles Barkley.

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