Nortec Collective presents: Bostich Fussible Tijuana Sound Machine

2024-03-19 2

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Ramon Amezcua And Pepe Mogt

Nortec Collective presents:
Bostich Fussible
Tijuana Sound Machine

Después de una década de haber creado el sonido que definió a la frontera, el colectivo Nortec muta. De esta metamorfosis aparece hoy la producción Tijuana Sound Machine, de Bostich y Fussible. Si Nortec fusionó la electrónica con la música popular del norte mexicano, para conseguir un sonido único, que ya se convirtió en emblema musical no sólo de la frontera y de una generación entera. En Tijuana Sound Machine, Nortec da una vuelta más mediante la experimentación con nuevas tecnologías, la consolidación de un ritmo y la densidad emocional característica de Fussible y Bostich. Tijuana Sound Machine más que un nuevo album es una nueva urbe. Una ciudad hecha de puros sonidos.
texto pot: Heriberto Yépez

Fisrt single from our Album,
video by Checo Brown


EMS VCS3, Arp Osyssey, Avatar, Arp 2600, Sequential Prophet 5, Oberheim Four Voice, Eml Electrocomp 200, Orgon

From the Los Angeles Times


Latino pop-rock is the best of many worlds
The music melds South and Central American traits with ongoing European trends.

By Reed Johnson and Deborah Bonello

Twenty years ago, punk-rock, ska and hip-hop were the main genres that shaped the sound of emerging Latin American bands. Today, electronica is filling that role. And, as was the case with punk and ska, the more risk-taking Latin bands are tweaking and customizing electronica to suit their cultural and aesthetic objectives, rather than merely imitating existing U.S. and European electronica outfits.

The results of those experiments can be heard in the work of groups such as Mexican Institute of Sound and Zizek Club, an Argentine collective that also will perform at Coachella, as well as through the ongoing efforts of more established ensembles such as Tijuana-based Nortec Collective.

Last year Nortec's brain trust, the artists known as Bostich and Fussible (Ramon Amezcua and Pepe Mogt), released what might be the group's most accomplished disc to date, "Nortec Collective Presents: Bostich Fussible/Tijuana Sound Machine." While the record keeps faith with Nortec's trademark mix of computer-generated electronica and traditional Mexican norteño, it also incorporates more live musicians playing clarinet, accordion and the bajo sexto traditional 12-string guitar.