UFOs, Flying Saucers, Aliens, and the Bible Code

2024-03-18 3

Copyright 2008 by T. Chase.
UFOs, Flying Saucers, Aliens, this subject is discussed by looking for Bible Code matrices in the King James version Bible using Bible Code software. Book of Revelation chapter 4 in the Bible could be about aliens in a flying saucer UFO, and it appears in a Bible Code matrix shown in this video. The Bible Code is a way of finding hidden messages in Biblical text, in this case in the King James Bible. Could angels in the Bible be aliens? Are the Four Beasts in Revelation 4 actually 4 aliens on a UFO? Watch this video and decide for yourself.
From the Revelation13.net web site, for more on this see Revelation13.net (Revelation 13: Prophecies of the Future, Astrology, Nostradamus, Bible Prophecy, the King James version English Bible Code.)