n Washington DC, vice president D*ck Cheney warns President George W. Bush of a raging pandemic, based on the political comedy of the Daily Show's Bush-roasting Stephen Colbert, only to learn that Bush has caught the pandemic, which causes his brain to seep out of his ears. Bush orders Cheney to call the Superficial Friends and find some duct tape. At the Hall of Anorexia, the Superficial Friends (Nicole Richie, Paris Hilton, Lindsay Lohan and the twins, Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen) respond to the patriotic call, and crash Colbert's studio during a live taping. But both Richie's superpuke, and Full House's Bob Saget likening Colbert's comedy to a Thai hooker miss their targets, and Colbert thwarts Lohan through the use of irony. As he escapes to broadcast his Prime Time Smart Guy special, the S***s' and Bush devise a new plan: a sex tape s
Paris, friends, hilton, Nicole, Twins, Richie, superficial, superficialfriends, olsen, crabs, Superficial Friends vs. Stephen Colbert