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Harold Veo's Orchestra - The Zoo Step (1917)

2024-03-12 35

Harold Veo's Orchestra plays "The Zoo Step" on Victor 18372 (June 29, 1917).

This ensemble was marketed as a "jass" band in 1917.

Calling such music "jass" was a marketing ploy or gimmick--if the music was upbeat, then advertising executives were happy to use the word "jass" since that might help a record sell more copies.

The ODJB had started a "jass" craze, and some traditional or convential musicians (like Harold Veo) were associated (too loosely) with the word "jass" or "jas" or "jazz" in 1917.

Veo played violin.

Listen for a cornet, 3 violins, 2 cellos, trombone, piano, traps, and bass viol.

Joseph C. Smith would soon provide this same type of dance music for Victor (and then Paul Whiteman arrived in 1920).

Harold Veo's Orchestra "The Zoo Step" Victor 18372 (June 29, 1917) song by Clarence Wilson.