Google Announces Update Aimed at Reducing SEO Spam Search Results

2024-03-06 334

Google Announces Update , Aimed at Reducing SEO , Spam Search Results.
Engadget reports that Google plans to
tweak its search algorithm in an attempt
to weed out automated spam results.
According to the company, the changes will , "keep the lowest-quality
content out of search.".
Google noted that the engine will improve
how it can locate and eliminate AI-generated
content that has become harder to spot.
The company said that the new update will apply
what was learned in a 2022 algorithmic tune-up
aimed at reducing "unhelpful, unoriginal content.".
Google hopes the changes will drive more traffic toward , "helpful and high-quality sites.".
This update involves refining
some of our core ranking systems
to help us better understand if
webpages are unhelpful, have
a poor user experience or feel
like they were created for
search engines instead of people. , Elizabeth Tucker, Google product
management director, via Engadget.
This could include sites
created primarily to match
very specific search queries, Elizabeth Tucker, Google product
management director, via Engadget.
Engadget reports that Google appears to be targeting
AI-generated SEO spam, which includes the growing
problem of sites using AI to generate worthless content.
Today, scaled content creation
methods are more sophisticated,
and whether content is created
purely through automation
isn’t always as clear, Elizabeth Tucker, Google product
management director, via Engadget.
Google says the changes,
which go into effect on May 5, .
"will allow us to take action on more types of
content with little to no value created at scale,
like pages that pretend to have answers to popular
searches but fail to deliver helpful content."