Local Delivery in 18 Wheels of Steel: Haulin' (Part 2)

2009-03-29 7

To view Part 1, go here - http://www.dailymotion.com/user/signsmasher09/video/x8te2w_local-delivery-in-18-wheels-of-stee_videogames

Jumped back in the Black Emerald for a short local delivery from Fresno, CA in 18 Wheels of Steel: Haulin'.

What truck are you driving? - A 2005 Peterbilt 379 EXHD by Ivan (hardtruckisthebest).
What trailer are you hauling? - A Wabash DuraPlate 65' by Ivan (hardtruckisthebest) and stretched from 53' to 65' by Cody (dcving).
What map are you using? - The Rig 'n' Roll Road v5 Map by Ivan (hardtruckisthebest).
Are you using a steering wheel or joystick? - A steering wheel.
Can I have the paintjob and interior of the truck and trailer? - No, they are not released, nor will I send them to you.
