The End Times as foretold in the Bible

2009-03-29 671

Most Christians would agree that the Bible speaks of the Premillennial return of Jesus Christ at the end of the Great Tribulation. Once Jesus returns, it will be too late to repent and become a Christian. God will Rapture the Church after 1260 days of tribulation and then He will pour out his wrath on the Pagan Nations who have been left behind. This Battle of 'Armageddon' will last 45 days [1335-1290 days according to the prophet Daniel]) Then the Millennium starts. Christ will reign in Heaven with his Bride (The Church) over Israel and the Purified nations on Earth for 1000 years. Then God will make all things New. He will dwell with Man on a New Earth in a New Jerusalem for all Eternity surrounded by the New Nations (whose names are in the Book of life).