"Spirit Sword Zun" is a 3D animation produced by Suoyi Culture. Based on the novel of the same name "Spirit Sword Zun" and the manga "Spirit Sword Zun". The animation tells the story of Chu Xingyun, a down-and-out teenager who is determined to change the status quo and work hard to create a new world A big dream, a down-and-out teenager is determined to change the status quo and work hard to create a new world. Rare and strange treasures, martial arts, and the lost strong cave, in this era of many geniuses, full of challenges and opportunities, and see how the down-and-out young master broke into the continent, encountered adventures, and became the supreme emperor of the world. The former enemy, now, will never let go! The regret in the dream, now, must be made up! When the spirit sword roars, the three realms of heaven and earth, I am the supreme!