Zoom Season 2 Episode 13 - Zoomers Introduce Three New Zoomers (1972)

2024-02-15 36

Season 2 (1972-1973)

Segments: Zoom Barrel - Ring The Dishcloth (Sent in by Karen Goulding of Rochester, New York)
Poem - John Erlanger's Favorite Poem (Sent in by John Erlanger of Springfield, Massachusetts)
Zoom Guest - Melanie Atwood
Zoom Tale - The Wide Mouth Frog (Sent in by Julie Whitmer of Weston, Massachusetts)
Zoom Game - Continuation (Sent in by Gina Iontaska of Roslindale, Massachusetts)
Ubbi Dubbi Cough Drop
There's A Car
Zoom Do - Water Shoes (Sent in by Edward Dittrich)
Zoom Tale - Runaway Dog (Sent in by Paul Boehner of Roswell, New Jersey)
Zoom Barrel - Funny Face (Sent in by Daranda Wilson of Lakeside, California)
Zoom Rap - What's It Like To Be On Zoom
How Do You Do