Meet The AI Full Body- MRI Startup That Raised $21 Million

2024-02-14 1,310

Bryan Johnson is the self-proclaimed “most measured person in human history.”

Johnson, who became a millionaire selling his online payments startup to PayPal for $800 million, is the new poster boy for an old Silicon Valley obsession: “biohacking” your body to extend your lifespan. He takes routine measurements of everything from his blood to his stool as part of his anti-aging quest.

But Johnson told Forbes he believes there is one “gold standard” measurement tool to rule them all: the full-body MRI.

While startup Ezra and biohackers are trying to make MRIs mainstream, medical experts are concerned the full-body scans could do more harm than good — setting up people who have no specific risk of cancer or another illness for overtreatment and overdiagnosis.

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