Prt 2 Selena Spice dating; win a date with Selena Spice!

2009-03-25 3

just part 2. We're trying to battle all these
demonic social sites out there. Finally now
there's a site with a down home feel;
we're more human. I'll prove it to ya,
when I get to your town call me and
let's go have a few beers, on me :)

All my niggas out there, u put up
a star class vip pass on dahoneyhouse
and we'll send honeys to your house.
Real talk. You're going to blow that
money on weed and liquor anyways,
put that money up on dahoneyhouse and
you'll get endless hookups for anything
you want. No bs.

Also the cd associated with the site
is coming out soon. It's going to be
worth a lot of money because "you're"
going to be on it! Stay tuned for
more info about that. Peace. LorkDiesel