With proper bench press form, the bench is the GOAT of upper body exercises. Learn how to bench press properly and you'll see massive gains in your chest, shoulders, and arms. But get your bench press technique wrong, and even if it doesn't happen right away, you risk seriously injuring your shoulders and elbows to the point where you may never be able to barbell bench press again. But don't worry, perfect bench form is actually quite simple. Learn how to bench press for chest growth in 5 steps.
The most important part to getting your bench press form right is with step 1, setup. To find the perfect grip width for you, lay down on the bench with your arms straight in front of you. Pull your elbows back until they make a 90 degree angle. Then, bring your elbows in towards your sides until your thumbs line up with your nipples. The distance between your hands is your ideal grip distance on the bar. Then, for a smooth unracking, position your body such that your eyes are directly under the barbell. And when you grab the bar, for the most secure grip, I'd recommend keeping your thumb around the bar. Finally, walk your feet back under your knees and plant them firmly into the ground.
Step 2: create whole body tension. Before you even consider unracking the bar, you need to activate various muscles that will help unlock your bench press