2024-01-27 12

I am the most popular person at my school.
I’m the most popular person at my work.
I’m the most popular person in any group.
I’m the most popular person anywhere I travel.
Popularity comes easy for me, everyone loves me.
I don’t have to make fun of people or act snotty to be popular.
Everyone thinks I’m a popular sweetheart, they can’t believe the paradox.
I can be popular and friendly at the same time.
People find me relatable and gravitate toward me.
Everyone treats me like their best friend.
Everyone treats me like the queen bee.
I get along with others easily, I’m very generous and compassionate.
I’m extremely extroverted and animated when I’m around others.
I inspire new trends and I’m always on the newest wave.
I have unlimited confidence.
Everyone knows who I am.
Everyone wants to be me.
No one can deny I’m the princess of any friend group.
I’m a social butterfly, I get invited to every event.
It’s not a party if I’m not there, everyone just goes home when they see I’m not coming.
I’m a social peacock, I have no problem being seen and admired.
I make people feel special, they all want to be my friend.
I get everyone involved in social activities, I love having everyone have fun.
I love having so many friends.
I only attract loving, kind, friends who are genuinely good people.
I connect with people and make genuine and real friendships daily.

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