Easter verrines with brownies and whipped cream

2024-01-19 66

Recipe Snacks

We've got some Easter dessert ideas for you ! Let's make Easter verrines with brownies, whipped cream and Easter eggs !

Brownies :
- 2 eggs
- 1/2 cup brown sugar
- 3/4 cup flour
- 5 oz chocolate
- 3 oz butter

Whipped cream :
- 3/4 cup cream
- 9 oz mascarpone
- 1 vanilla bean (or 1 Tbsp vanilla extract)
- 1/3 cup icing sugar

- Easter eggs

See recipe on site: https://en.petitchef.com/recipes/snacks/easter-verrines-with-brownies-and-whipped-cream-fid-1576585

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