Barney's Christmas Star (2002 VHS)

2024-01-12 1,049

Season 7 (2002-2003)

Recorded: Late August/Early September 2001
Released on VHS and DVD: October 2002

Plot: Christmas is fast approaching, so Barney and the children are quite excited. They help decorate the caboose for the Christmas holidays and build a "thinking" snowman in the park. Then, they visit a tree planted by Beth's great-great-grandfather that's now the prettiest, oldest tree in the park. Beth's grandmother is in charge of decorating the tree for Christmas this year, and everyone is shocked to find that the large star to adorn the tree's top is missing! Grammy suggests it's up in her attic and dispatches Barney and the children there to find it. Fun and playful mayhem ensue, with constant distractions from the search by various and sundry dusty "treasures" encountered. The kids, Baby Bop, and BJ discover- and they become- old-fashioned toys. All dictate a musical letter to Santa, typed on an old fashioned typewriter. When an ancient library is discovered, Barney reads 'Twas the Night Before Christmas to the group. The elusive star finally reveals itself, with some urging from the group. Barney and the children arrive back at the tree in time for the lighting ceremony. But the king conifer's grown too tall for its peak to be reached from a ladder! Barney magic ensures the proper placement of the star, and everyone is soon well on their way to a very Merry Christmas season!

Story: The Night Before Christmas

Cast: Barney (Voice: Tim Dever, Costume: Carey Stinson)
Baby Bop (Voice: Julie Johnson, Costume: Jeff Ayers)
BJ (Voice: Patty Wirtz, Costume: Kyle Nelson)
Beth (Katherine Pulley)
Kami (Makayla Crawford)
Darnell (Devante Warren)
Kevin (Sullivan McCormick)
Grammy Phillips (Allyn Carnell)
Grandpa Phillips (Bill Flynn)

Songs: Barney Theme Song
Deck the Halls
Holidays Medley: I Love the Holidays / O Little Town of Bethlehem / My Dreidel / Habari Gani / I Love the Holidays (Reprise)
It's Snowing!
Oh Christmas Tree
Over the River and Through the Woods
Just Imagine
March of the Toys
We're Writing a Letter to Santa
Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
Jingle Bells
Oh Christmas Tree (Reprise)
We Wish You a Merry Christmas
I Love You

Series funding provided by: Chuck E. Cheese’s
Public Television Viewers Like You

Previews: Bob the Builder: A Christmas To Remember (2003)
Angelina Ballerina: Friends Forever (2002)
Kipper: Let It Snow (2002)
The Wiggles Movie (1997)