Versatile Actor and director Khalid Saleem Butt passed away in Lahore from difficulties brought on by liver and kidney disorders. In the 1970s, actor Khalid Butt made his cinema and television debuts in numerous Urdu and Punjabi productions. In his most recent work, Khalid Butt portrayed the father of Faysal Quraishi in the television series Khaie.
Khalid Butt began his career as an assistant director and also directed a film. In addition, Khalid Butt received the Pride of Performance award for his creative contributions to industry. In the PTV series Landa Bazaar (2002), Jangal Pura (1997), and Boota to Toba Tek Singh (1999), actor Khalid Butt was spotted showcasing his acting abilities. These characters were highly appreciated by the public.
Anchor: Faraz Nizam
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