Woman 'losing it' after weeks of sleepless nights due to Chick-fil-A blasting music overnight

2024-01-11 12,234

A woman has said she's "losing it" after weeks of sleepless nights due to a nearby Chick-fil-A blasting music overnight.

Nicole Smith, 30, has been trying to convince the fast food restaurant to turn off the music - which has been playing on and off since October 19.

According to Nicole, who lives Charlotte, North Carolina, USA, the restaurant leaves the loud music on at all hours, which keeps her awake at night.

Nicole says she has contacted the restaurant several times and has even spoken to the staff in person, to no avail.

She said: "It's been exhausting. Both from losing so much sleep and from being told that it had been turned off when it hadn't."

Nicole, a customer marketing director, travels a lot for work but she can hear the music on most nights she's home.

Nicole said: "It's been on every night that I'm here. I would just end up passing out because of how tired I was.

"I don't know exactly what time I would fall asleep but I made my viral video at 2:00 am and I have messages until four.

"I need to get up early for work so that's way too late."

Nicole has been forced to put a loud fan near her bed to drown out the music and covers her head with a pillow at night.

Nonetheless, Nicole has been kept awake until 2 am and sometimes four in the morning.

Nicole's first call to Chick-fil-A was on October 20 and the restaurant agreed turned down the music - until December 5.

She called when the music started playing again but no management was available to speak to her.

Nicole waited a few days hoping that the music will stop but it didn't.

On December 12, she called her city's non-emergency helpline on, which was no help either.

She decided to call back Chick-fil-A but was told the music was off, which prompted her to go down to the restaurant to speak to the staff.

Nicole said: "I talked to someone on the phone who said they were a manager who told me that the music had been turned off. I felt very gaslit.

"The next morning I felt like I was losing it so I went to the Chick-fil-A and I talked to the manager.

"He said he had turned it off but someone must have gone into the office and turned it back on.

"He explained that he had now left a note by the volume knob that said 'don't turn up.'

"He was very apologetic."

Nicole had a bit of respite over the holiday period but was horrified to hear it the music again on December 28.

Chick-fil-A was contacted for comment.

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