March 31 last day for employers to complete legalisation under RTK2.0, says Home Minister

2024-01-09 542

There will be no more leniency for employers who fail to follow up with their registration process of their illegal foreign workers and complete the verification process after March 31 under the Labour Recalibration Programme (RTK 2.0).

Home Minister Datuk Seri Saifuddin Nasution Ismail said that on Tuesday (Jan 9) after his visit to the Selangor Immigration Department to see for himself how the Recalibration Programme 2.0 was going on, adding that he was satisfied with the whole process although there were some shortcomings which could be made better.

Saifuddin also said that he will be holding talks with the Human Resources Ministry to see how the country can handle the foreign workers better and ensure economic sectors in need of them are able to do so legally.