Gordon Lindsay: Creating Fictional Ministries
Gordon Lindsay was the publisher of The Voice of Healing, the primary organ for the Voice of Healing / Latter Rain revivals of the late 1940s and early 1950s. After William Branham stepped down as magazine publisher and Gordon Lindsay assumed the role, Lindsay led the Voice of Healing into an organized, international movement that helped to create the revival ministries of hundreds of evangelists. This eventually led to the creation of Christ for the Nations, Inc., Lindsay’s evangelistic organization.
Lindsay was apparently aware that some evangelists were using fictional stage personas and helped promote them as they shifted into newer versions incompatible with former versions. He was also aware that “miracles” claimed by the evangelists were based on claims that could not be substantiated.
When news reporters discovered that William Branham, leader of the revivals, was claiming to heal the same girl in multiple cities, Lindsay was interviewed by the press. Lindsay supported Branham by referencing Branham’s 1945 tract that was for sale in Branham’s revivals, “I Was Not Disobedient to the Heavenly Vision,” claiming that 1945 was the beginning of Branham’s healing ministry and that it was the result of a vision — not an angelic visitation.
After Branham’s stage persona was changed to include a 1947 “Angelic Visitation” as the beginning of his healing ministry, Lindsay continued advertising Branham and his new back story in The Voice of Healing. Branham was but one of many who claimed wildly unbelievable “miracles” in their ministries.
You can learn this and more on william-branham.org.
Gordon Lindsay:
Newspaper Article: