'This Is Not Real!' - Mom astounded to the core following surprise reunion with daughter

2024-01-02 319

The cloud of longing finally burst and sheer joy rained down upon the Rodda family as a lovely reunion occurred between a mom and daughter!

"My family lives in QLD about 8 hours from me, and they planned Christmas in Western Australia to spend it with my grandparents," the filmer, Piper Rodda, told WooGlobe. "My mum thought I wouldn't come due to not getting time off work and being too broke, but my dad knew how upset mum was that her big girl wasn’t going to be there for Christmas.

"He booked the flights without her knowing, and we kept it a secret for almost a month. I flew in the night before (20th), and my dad and grandad drove two hours to Perth to pick me up from the airport at 1:30 am."

Seeing Piper in such an unexpected way totally shook her emotional mom. In that moment, she had no idea what was real and what wasn't. It was like her heart was filled with joy, but the minute possibility of it being a mere dream lingered in her mind.

Location: Western Australia
WooGlobe Ref : WGA564561
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