Though the First Amendment to the Constitution declares a separation of Church and State to ensure religious freedom, British Israelism created a framework of doctrine that was fully incompatible — but only as it suited the movement. British Israel teachers advocated for “God’s Law” to be re-established in government institutions, and politicians devoted to the British Israel cause pushed legislation designed to push boundaries away from the First Amendment and towards rules they considered to be “God’s Law.” This was especially the case as British Israel transitioned to Christian Identity and the Civil Rights movement was viewed by Identity converts as a violation of “God’s law”.
Identity pushed political agenda strategically towards “biblicizing” American Law, and did so through political parties such as Gerald L. K. Smith’s 1943 “America First” party. Smith and others attempted to overthrow the sitting president, Franklin Roosevelt, claiming that he was an enemy from the “evil bloodline” to threaten the British Israel State they were trying to establish.
At the same time Smith launched the America First party, British Israel leader Howard Rand published his Digest of the Divine Law. Rand declared that the United States faced a political and economic crisis that could not be solved with the existing order and hinted at the need to re-establish God’s Law in the nation.
These movements later developed into Gerald Smith’s Christian Nationalist Party, which coincided with the birth of the Latter Rain movement. Smith officially launched Christian Nationalism as a political movement in 1948. It should come as no surprise that Christian Identity was a theme used throughout Latter Rain, and leaders such as George Hawtin and William Branham pushed the Two-Seed Identity doctrine.
Gerald L. K. Smith:
George Hawtin:
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