The George Mossey Show: Interview Series: The Melanie Martin Interview with Guiliana Fischer

2023-12-21 45

The George Mossey Show: Interview Series: The Melanie Martin Interview featuring Medium Giuliana Fischer. Melanie Martin opens up about her relationship with Aaron Carter. We discuss her life before their relationship & after and everything in between. In Melanie's first ever public interview she openly speaks to George Mossey about her side of the story when it comes to all the narratives on TikTok & online. From the Love Merch to her relationship with Aarons mom. We leave no stone unturned. Grab your wine & tune in. You dont want to miss this no holds barred interview. #GeorgeMossey #Podcast #GeorgeMosseyPodcast #TheGeorgeMosseyShow #TheMediumSessions #ThegeorgeMosseyShowInterviewSeries #ThemediumSessionswithGiulianaFischer #news #AaronCarter AaronCarterthelovecollection #AaronCarternews #MelanieMartin #MissMelanieMartin #podcastInterview #exclusiveInterview