House of Commons: Penny Mordaunt delivers her SNP 12 Fails of Christmas

2023-12-14 74,639

Mordaunt attacked the SNP’s record in Scotland to a mock version of the carol The Twelve Days of Christmas.
After being asked about “morality” by the SNP, the Commons Leader told MPs: “I think we should have a festive round of up on SNP morality: 12 hours of police questioning, 11 grand roaming charges, 10 years without school inspections, nine sham embassies, eight years of poor child mental health, seven years without ferries, six years shirking welfare powers.”
To the tune of “five gold rings”, she added: “£500 million over-spent on Edinburgh’s tram.
“£4 million to install a heat pump, three high profile arrests, two overseas jollies, and a dodgy jaguar EV.”